The world is spinning on its axis towards the longest, lightest day of the year. The summer solstice marks the first day of summer, when the sun reaches the highest point in the sky. The day is long, and the night is short. The sun is most potent on the summer solstice and is recognized as a time of powerful healing.
The solstice arrived at
20:51 UTC on June 20, 2024. The last time the solstice arrived earlier than this was in 1796, when it occurred at 17:45 UTC on June 20.
In honor of the
Summer Solstice we carry out
special bonus offers valid from
20.06 until 24.06 at 23:59 server time:
700 - (200/700)
1400 - (200/700/1400) +2G Sylvan Castle
3000 - (700/1400/4000) + Solstice Lottery 2G
4000 (1400/3000/6300) + Solstice Polis 2G
6300 or
7500 (7500/4000/3000/1400/700) + Solstice Polis 2G+Solstice Lottery 2G
12500 or higher (7500/6300/4000/3000) + Solstice Gunpowder Mill 2G
NB! Locations belong only to the initially purchased offer. To receive locations, please contact technical support with a detailed list of locations.
Remember that there should be free points for locations.
Bonuses will be issued on the next calendar day after the purchase.